鸮xiāo鸟名,俗称猫头鹰。鸮头贝化石,是四亿年前海洋生物鹰嘴螺又叫鸮头贝的化石,属于古无脊椎动物,腕足纲的一属;壳瓣大而隆凸,近于圆形。腹壳的壳喙弯曲如钩,形似鸮喙,因而取名鹰嘴螺、鸮头贝,拉丁文学名Stringocephalus Defrance。
Provenance: Hubei, China
Stringocephalus is an extinct genus of large brachiopod; between 388.1 to 376.1 million years old, they are usually found as fossils in Devonian marine rocks. Several forms of the genus are known; they may be found in western North America, northern Europe (especially Poland), Asia and the Canning Basin of Western Australia. Several different types are known; they share a well-developed, curved structure shaped like a beak. Some of the largest specimens discovered to date have been found in China.
Sun and Boucot (1999) described the ontogenetic development of several important morphologic structures in Stringocephalus gubiensis, which occurs in the late Eifelian kockelianus Zone of South China. They found that in small specimens ranging from 5 to 18 mm in width the cardinal process forms a pair of discrete, rodlike lobes (Sun and Boucot, 1999, Figs. 1.1–1.6, 2.1–2.6). In specimens generally exceeding 20 mm in width, these lobes fuse to form the single, long, terminally bifid, stalklike cardinal process characteristic of Stringocephalus.