

介壳灰岩(Bioclastic limestone






Bioclastic limestone

Provenance: Xintai, Shandong, China


In limestone rocks there are different types of possible bioclasts, depending on the region, time and the climate during the formation stage. Skeletal fragments: this type of limestone texture can be found as whole micro-fossils, whole large fossils or broken up fragments of larger fossils. This is the most common texture. The kinds of skeletal particles present depend upon the age of the rock and the paleo-environmental conditions from the time they were deposited. With these different types of fossils, certain ones will be more dominant in a certain rock compared to others. Trilobite skeletal fragments.

The climates and wave conditions play a role on the formation of skeletal fragments by that organisms like branching forms of bryozoan are fragile and are not found in high wave energy environments. Found in limestone units that have been deposited under quite less active water conditions.

Gatherers: Chen Yong, Yan Shiyong, Pei Yangwen, Wang Jian, Duan Zhongfeng